G.S. Gill Research Institute, commonly called as GRI, was founded in the year 1990 by Lt. Col. G.S.Gill, Father of the Sikh Community in Chennai, and the Founder of the Guru Nanak College. This institute is recognized by Madras University to offer higher education’s such as M. Phil. and Ph.D. in Zoology and insect plant interactions (Entomology). GRI is in the process of obtaining various national and international affiliations and accreditations. This institute offers both full time and part time courses. GRI also offers entrepreneurship course which paves the way for the candidates to start their own industry. GRI has various research divisions, that undertakes research on Entomology and Agri technology. GRI was been given Autonomous status from the year 2000.
GRI is having state of art research facilities and instruments. The research facility is well equipped for undertaking application oriented research in Life science and in particular Insect Science.
GRI is now ISO 21001: 2018 certified Institution for the scope “Undertaking research in Life Sciences, offering Higher Education (M. Phil. and Ph.D.) and Entrepreneurship courses in Insect Plant Interaction and Agri technology’.
GRI is in the process of obtaining various affiliations and accreditations from national and international bodies. Also, GRI envisaged to have collaborations with various government Institutes.
G.S.Gill Research Institute into a Centre of Excellence in Entomological Research with accreditations from Indian and Overseas bodies.
G.S. Gill Research Institute focuses research on Insect pest management by Insect – Plant Interaction (tritrophic interaction/Chemical Ecology) in CEREALS AND PULSES, OIL SEEDS,VEGETABLES AND FLORICULTURE.
Creating intellectual values and knowledge translation throughout the world through higher education in Life Sciences, more specifically on Entomological research.
To impart application focused knowledge through continual research on Insect Plant Interactions.
GRI is recognised as an autonomous research institute by University of Madras. University of Madras is a prestigious university , established in the year 1857.
ISO 21001-2018 is an International standard, more specifically developed for Educational Institutions. The standard can be applicable to organizations that provide a curriculum for the development of scientific knowledge, skills and attitudes by means of different teaching methods. This certification gives the institution the advantages like:
M.Sc., Ph.D., SLET
Specialization: Marine Biology, Aquaculture & Entomology
044-22451746 / 9176060795
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, Coordinator-GNCR & Scientist
Specialization: Microbiology
044-22451746 / 9677225681
M.Sc., Ph.D., SLET
Specialization: Environmental Biotechnology, Entomology & Phytochemistry
044-22451746 / 8056083656
Chief Scientist & Deputy Director (Research),
TEA RESEARCH ASSOCIATION North Bengal Regional R & D Centre NAGRAKATA - 735225 Jalpaiguri District West Bengal
Dr. John MacKay Institute of Extraction Technology, USA
Agricultural Research Center
Plant Protection Research Institute
Faculty of Sceince – Alzhar Univiersty- Cairo- Egypt